I ran out of gas Thursday! Completely out of gas! How did that happen? Okay, I know how that happened but still.... This just isn't something I have ever done. I stopped at a four-way stop and went to go again and the gas only made it to just past where I could have turned off of the road. This road has no place to pull over. This actually worked to my advantage. Instead of just stopping (which is what I would have done if I could have pulled over), I let the car coast. And coast. And coast. With my hazards flashing and going just five mph. It was just under a mile to the nearest gas station and I made it. I literally coasted in front of a pump, got to the dip, and that is where I stopped. Fantastic! I was sure that at any second I would stop and have to walk with Eli the rest of the way and back. I am thankful for life's little blessings!
Because of this I decided on Thursday night to just turn everything off and get the house in order. You know, laundry, bathrooms, mopping, etc. Maybe once all of these things are done I can just relax. And my brain will no longer be mush.

Sometimes life gets overwhelming and it's okay, it will be okay, soon, again, just hang in there. Maybe running out of gas was someone's way of telling you to slow down.....1 mile at 5MPH is pretty slow LOLOL! :) Coping skills....and changing my priorities helped me. Hugs to you for a better week next week!
What a sad and funny story! I wish I was there--I'd give you a hand with the dishes and laundry. 3 cheers to you for seeing the bright side ☼
I ran out of gas a couple of years ago and had to call a couple of people until I found someone to bring me some gas. I was stuck on a fairly busy road though and I was sooo embarrassed! I'm glad it worked out OK for you and that you were able to get some things done as a result! :)
I can so relate! Hope to day is a better day for you with a clean floor and caught up laundry. Speaking of which, I need to switch my laundry! One load down, 4 to go. *sigh*
what a great blessing to have made it to the gas pump! glad you're safe and I hope you have a better week
Hope today is better for you! I ran out of gas one time, when I was about 19. I knew I was low on fuel and was en route to the gas station. I was 3 blocks when my car stalled. GASP! Someone saw me and stopped by the station to tell the attendant. This little man, complete with overalls and white beard, brought a gas can and came to my rescue. He said something I will never forget..."Honey, don't you know 'E' means Empty not Enough?" LOL Glad you made it to the station. Happy Friday, my bloggy friend! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired
how cool is that to make it to the pump on nothing but fumes. that is a great story that hardly ever happens.
What a great idea! Sometimes we just have too many distractions, and getting things in order makes everything better! Good for you!
That ust have been scary! Yikes!
I sometimes wish that I could just shut everything down too.
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