I've never felt like making a black and white quilt...now I do.
This pattern really shows off all of the cute fabric.
Gorgeous! I know I am not careful enough to cut out triangles like these.
Would you call these wonky flowers? I love them! And the pieced border too!
Hexi-table runner. Too cute! I need to ask Rachel what type of fabric she used again. It was some type of wool/felt. Very nice.
I love all of these colors together.
Pure lemonade. The little fussy cut dogs are to die for. Why, oh why don't I have any of that fabric?

More lemonade, this one by Leigh. Seems like everyone is ready for Spring!
After everyone showed their newest projects, we learned how to paper piece hexagons. Who knew it was so easy? I have been seeing them everywhere, but, as usual, was afraid to try them. Now I can't get enough. Like I need another project.... I now need something to keep all my hexagon supplies in. I'm thinking some sort of makeup/travel bag. Or maybe a cool lunch box or extra large tin. Any suggestions? I need room for my scissors, thread, papers, pencil, and hexis.
Almost forgot.... dessert. Mint Chocolate Girl Scout Cookie Cupcakes. YUM!
What great eye-candy. You must get great inspiration from attending!
Wow what a fun meeting! The show and tell is wonderful! Thanks for all the inspiration! :-)
Thank you for sharing all the wonderful quilts from your guild! They are gorgeous!!!
Isn't it so much fun! And it was fun to see what you're working on too :)
They are so beautiful. I love show and tell. Have fun with the hexagons.
I am so jealous! We don't have a modern quilt guild around me.
Thanks for showing all of the inspiring creations.
Umm, tell me more about those mint girl scout cookie cupcakes. Yumm!
P.S. I like the cool lunch pail idea to hold your hexi's in. Fun, Fun!
How cool that you go to the SL Modern Quilt Guild! How often do they meet? It is something that theoretically I would love to do, but convincing my family that I can leave is the tricky part. :)
I also noticed that you go to the Alpine Group. I always love Nanette Merrill's descriptions of those events. I would really love to start coming. Maybe that's a little more feasible since it's closer. Hmm. YOu've go me thinking!
There's lots of inspiration in your group. Love the b/w quilt and the lemonade one at the bottom.
When Estee Lauder puts their makeup kit as a special at Christmas time - I ask Big T to buy it as my stocking stuffer. Now I have two beautiful cases with handles, zipper, and even a mirror to use as a carry-on for my hand sewing. It goes conveniently from the studio to the back porch, a class or the car. About 5 inches high and 9 inches square - PERFECT.
Oh I love all of these quilts...makes me feel like sewing.
Last night was the first meeting I was able to go to - you must not have been there? Unless I am just REALLY bad with names! :) It is a fun and inspiring group of people!
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