Sunday, May 23, 2010

Quilting Tools...and I do mean "tools"

I spent this weekend getting my house in order.  I pulled all of the weeds in the front yard, which filled my garbage can to the brim.  I also spread some manure (not as gross as I thought it would be).  And planted some flowers and four shrubs.  I am so happy with the way it looks.  Now I just need to find someone to mow my lawn this summer.  There is bound to be some teenage boys living in the neighborhood who would like to make some extra money.  Anyway....  I also decided to hang up some pictures and have found some new uses for my quilting tools:

1.  Setting a too-short level on top of my 24" rotary cutting ruler makes a 24" level.  Perfect for marking level lines for hanging shelves.

2.  That same cutting ruler is perfect for measuring between pictures when you don't have a tape measure handy.

3.  Pins are a great for temporarily positioning wall hangings.

So what non-quilting things do you use your quilting tools for?


Lynn said...

In a pinch, hand quilting thread makes good dental floss.

Joyful Quilter said...

LOL...ruler and rotary cutter are great to use when lining shelves.

Sounds like you are getting settled into the new place.

Meghan said...

I used my rulers the other day to assemble a bookshelf! I also used my quilter's tape measure rather than my "hardware" tape measure, because the quilter's ruler and tape measure actually lay flat on whatever you're measuring.

Glad to know I'm not the only one :)

Nancy said...

I read Judy L's (patchworktimes) post this morning.. She used her cutting mat to measure the garage... not something I would do everyday, but I guess it worked for

prashant said...

Sounds like you are getting settled into the new place.
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